George Twumasi is Deputy Chairman, CEO and the visionary force behind ABN. He has extensive professional, market knowledge of the free-to-air television broadcasting and advertising landscape in Africa and has established a global network of industry contacts. Though ABN, George is working towards the creation of digital television broadcasting opportunities with Afro-centric content. His ability to secure partnering commitments from the major African broadcasting organisations reflects his pivotal role in African media.
Via the HYPERLINK ““African Public Broadcasting Foundation, George has served as a consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help understand and support key capacity building initiatives targeting Africa’s media industries. George has been invited to speak at seminars and participate in media development workshops around the world. He holds a postgraduate diploma from the University of Ghana affiliated National Film & Television Institute and is set to launch ABN as Africa’s first, truly pan-Africa television network, Made for Africans by Africans.
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